I present to you the dashing all-American actor. Well, five of them actually. This broad-shouldered beefcake veers from good guy/town sheriff/member of the baseball team with a sensitive side roles to the more devious/I own several leather jackets/manipulative roles. He is always conflicted but never tortured, and damn it all if he can't pull off a navy tee.
However, these down-home dreamboats don't exactly have the variety of a jury (and/or the cast of Community), and sometimes it's tough to tell them apart. Do you know which is which?
Match the actor above with the movies below. Answers in the comments.
- 7th Heaven
- What About Brian
- The Crazies
- October Road
- Win a Date with Tad Hamilton
- The Girl Next Door
- Legally Blonde
- Las Vegas
- Teaching Mrs. Tingle
- The Office
- Catch and Release
- (Clearly the most worthy of these actors as he was in...) S Club 7 in L.A.
On 7 counts of busting a move, I find this video guilty.