As I write this, I'm watching an episode of
18 Kids and Counting, per usual. In this particular episode, Jim Bob is taking his daughters (minus a couple plus a couple randoms) on a camping trip out in the wilderness. [Daughter Too Young to be Included in Trip: What's the will-er-ness? Jim Bob: That means it's out in the boonies].
So when the girls leave on the trip, Jill (pictured at left) is wearing this tangerine-y orange-y polo shirt. From the embroidered logo, I'm pretty sure it's from Aeropostale. My freshman year of college, this girl on my floor gave me that exact same polo shirt. It was a weird situation, I don't think I really knew her, I must have worn polos a lot, her mom had bought it for her and she didn't want it, I think she was all about erasing her carbon footprint or something, it was one of those awkward moments where I couldn't think of a way to tell her I didn't want it so I just took it.
Anyway, I didn't want it, so a few months later I sent it to Goodwill, with the tags still on. From many other Duggar episodes (including an earlier scene in this very episode), we know that the Duggars frequent thrift stores and love a good deal. Hence, my polo shirt made its way to Arkansas and is now being worn by Jill Duggar.
Also, as this series goes on, I've picked up on a lot more sass coming from the Duggar girls. The following conversation could have come verbatim from a me/my co-blogger/a certain blog reader named Colleen conversation:
Some Duggar girl, in reference to a denim jacket that some other Duggar girl is packing for the camping trip: Girlfriend, you will not need this.
First Duggar girl, later, on camping trip: It's getting chilly out here.
Denim-jacket-clad Duggar girl: I'm glad I have this jacket.