True story: yesterday I went to my local library and checked out Insomniatic, the third album released by pop duo Aly and AJ. To my constant relief, Blogger has a spellcheck feature, and "insomniatic" has a big red line under it because, you know, it's NOT A FREAKING WORD. Insomnia, insomniac, yes. Insomniatic, no. But Aly and AJ beg to differ...and offer an explanation. The following is taken from their CD jacket, verbatim.
I N S O M N I A T I CNEW WORD PREVIOUSLY UNDEFINED...UNTIL NOWin⋅som⋅ne⋅a⋅tik / in-′säm-nE-&-tic / adj. [L, fr. insomnis sleepless, fr. in- + somnus sleep —more at SOMNOLENT] (ca. 2007)1: the state of mind where one becomes addicted to the deprivation of sleep caused by an epic revelation of joy

Oh, and by the way, they just changed their name to 78violet. No reason, just felt like it. In related news, my brain just exploded.
It would be easier to guess the meaning if the word was insomni-addict or insomnaholic. And how were they ever on a cereal box?